Everything You Wanted to Know about Press Release Format but Were Too Afraid to Ask

1 year ago 235


You've been wanting to write a press release, but you were afraid to ask. Fortunately, we're here to help! In this guide we'll cover everything from the basics of writing a press release format down to how exactly you should format those final sentences. (We know it's hard.)


  • Introduction: The introduction is a brief, but powerful statement that introduces the topic and expands on it. It's also where you should include any headlines or quotes that will help your readers understand what's in the body of your press release.

  • Body: This section contains all of the other information about your product or service that you want to share with customers, including price, size options and more. You can also use this space to explain how long it takes for customers to receive their orders (if applicable).

  • Closing paragraph: This final paragraph has two purposes: (1) To end with an interesting hook; and (2) To provide contact information so readers can learn more about what they're reading!

  • Contact info

Body text:

The body text of your press release template should be in paragraph form. This is because it's easier to read, and more importantly, much easier to understand. Paragraphs are also more engaging than bulleted lists or other types of formatting that can make it hard for readers to follow what you're saying.

The length of your body text will depend on how much information you want people reading at once: if they just need a quick overview of what happened, then keep things short; but if there's lots more detail (such as an entire timeline), then go ahead and give them all the juicy details!

When writing about yourself or company news events like layoffs or mergers/acquisitions please remember that these kinds of stories require a different level of detail from others so we recommend starting with those details first before going into any narrative style sections later down into the article itself (which should be structured like normal paragraphs).

Closing paragraph:

Once you've written your news release example, it's time to edit. If you're using a word processing program like Microsoft Word or Google Docs, this step is easy: just hit "Save as" and save the file in a different location than where it was originally created. Once you're done editing your document, upload it onto the site where other people will see it (like LinkedIn). Then send out invites to journalists who might be interested in writing about your company or product!

Contact information:

Contact information:

  • Company: The name of the company.

  • Person issuing media release example: If you are doing something as an individual, this should be your name or alias. If you're working with another company, leave it blank and use their full name instead. (If you're unsure whether or not this is necessary, consult with someone who's been through this before.)

  • Content editor responsible for content creation: This can be any member of your team that's involved in creating content for your website or blog—whether they're writing articles themselves or editing existing work from other contributors. It might also include content managers who help manage RSS feeds and social media accounts so that all messages from these channels are consistent across platforms; however, don't forget about writers as well! It doesn't matter what stage they're at in their careers—if there's something specific about their skill set that makes them valuable here then find out what it is today so we can start working together today!



Boilerplate is the same text at the end of every sample press release template. It should be no more than 3 paragraphs, and it should be in the first person (“I am pleased to announce that we have received funding from X company”). You will want to include your name at least once on boilerplate so that people can see who's speaking and know who they're reading about. Boilerplate also helps you set yourself apart from other companies with similar information by giving them something different to read than they're used to seeing on their own websites or elsewhere online. For example, if you own a bakery business named “Cupcakes By Sammie J.,” then maybe instead of printing out "Cupcakes By Sammie J" across every single piece of paper related directly related directly related directly related directly…you could put up something like this instead: "My name is Sammie J., owner of Cupcakes By Sammie J." This way when people look up your company online later on down into researching its history or future plans (etc.), there won't be any surprises!

Keywords line:

The Keywords line is the only part of a press release example for new product that will appear in the search results, so it's important to make sure you have keywords that are relevant and appropriate for your content.

It's best to use your own or a third-party keyword tool (like Google Keyword Planner) to find potential search terms for each paragraph of your press release. This way, when someone searches for those words later on, they'll see yours first!


Here are some things you should know about press releases:

  • They're short and sweet. press release example for event are meant to be brief, simple statements that point out your company's accomplishments and make clear what you've accomplished. You don't need an overly long paragraph of text in order to get this done—just a few sentences will do.

  • They're often submitted online via email or social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. If there's a way for people outside your organization (the media) to read about its work, then it makes sense for them too! And if there isn't any way for them to read about it yet but would like one later on down the line...well then that would probably be best too! Just remember though: every time someone reads this article we'll also have another person learn something new from it too.*


We hope this article has helped demystify the process of writing a press release. As you can see, there are lots of different formats from which to choose and there’s no one “correct” way to write one. The most important thing is that you make sure your message hits home for your audience and helps them understand why they should care about what you have to say.

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