Fox’s Tomi Lahren Boasts That Florida Tower Collapse is a “Shining Moment” for Ron DeSantis

2 years ago 332

Last week, a Miami, Florida building collapsed likely killing dozens of residents. The tragedy has created an all hands on deck response. Joe Biden recently offered the state whatever help it needs on a federal level.

Fox News has taken advantage of the tragedy to laud the state’s Governor Ron DeSantis. During a Monday broadcast, Tomi Lahren went as far as calling the matter a “shining moment” for the Republican.

The commentator gushed:

“Just watching this press conference as long as we did, a couple of things I took away from it. It is really unfortunate that tragedy brings people together. But watching Debbie Wasserman Schultz standing next to Ron DeSantis, watching all these city officials standing next to each other, some Republicans, some Democrats — it’s just a reminder that when something like this happens, it really doesn’t matter who you voted for, it doesn’t matter what letter is behind your name, people come together.”

Lahren continued, “Another thing I gathered from watching these press conferences is the leadership of Ron DeSantis. We’ve seen him be a leader so many times, time and time again. This is also another shining moment for him. And I can’t sing his praises high enough.”

Conservative pundits love Donald Trump, but some of them love DeSantis even more. The Florida governor is becoming a real threat to challenge the former president in 2024. More gushing coverage from Fox News is only going to help him do so.

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