Get Premium Business Wire Pricing For Your Press Release

1 year ago 368


The cost for a business wire press release is relatively low. However, if you want to be seen by major news outlets and reach a large number of people, it can be an investment worth making. If you’re thinking about how much it costs to get your PRWeb Pricing  published on the major business wire services, you might be wondering: how much does it cost?

Business Wire Pricing

Business Wire offers a free trial, so you can test their services for yourself. They have three pricing plans:

  • Standard – $199/month (prices vary by word count)

  • Professional – $349/month (prices vary by word count)

  • Premium – $599/month (prices vary by word count).

PRWeb Pricing

  • PRWeb is a top-tier business wire.

  • PRWeb has a free plan for smaller businesses, but this pricing is only available to users who have at least 100 articles in their accounts.

  • For larger businesses with more than 100 articles on their site and/or multiple media releases per month, the company offers a premium plan at $99 per month.

Marketwired Pricing

Marketwired prices are based on the number of words in your PRNewswire Pricing. They also charge a fee for each news outlet that receives your press release, which can add up quickly if you're sending out multiple releases at once.

PR Newswire Pricing

PR Newswire Pricing varies depending on the package you choose. You pay a one-time fee and then you don't have to pay anything else. You can also choose to pay per release.

Getting a premium business wire press release can be affordable.

Getting a premium business wire press release can be affordable.

Business wire services provide a range of options for businesses to get their message out there, including:

  • Press releases that are delivered throughout the day and night, often with multiple distribution channels at once (e.g., email blasts)

  • News releases specifically tailored to local media outlets in your area that target specific audiences and interests


Press releases are a great way to get your Marketwired Pricing  in front of potential customers. They can be expensive, but you can use our tips to cut costs and make sure you’re getting the most out of your investment. You should also consider using paid advertising options like Facebook ads or Google AdWords campaigns to promote your press release on sites where people are most likely to see it—such as social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. This will help boost visibility and traffic back into your site!

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