Michigan AG Turns Over Criminal Evidence To Feds Against 14 Republicans Who Signed Forged Election Documents

2 years ago 474

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel told Rachel Maddow that her bureau has turned implicit grounds to the DOJ against 14 Republicans who signed forged predetermination documents.

Video of Nessel connected The Rachel Maddow Show:

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel says she has turned implicit grounds against 14 Republicans who signed forged predetermination documents to the DOJ for transgression prosecution. pic.twitter.com/tTZETrAgjQ

— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) January 14, 2022

Nessel said:

 I volition archer you that we’ve been evaluating charges for nearly a twelvemonth present based connected the activities. As soon arsenic we became alert of that. I volition accidental nether authorities instrumentality I think intelligibly you person forgery of a nationalist grounds a 14-year offense and predetermination instrumentality forgery which is simply a five-year offense. But what we person decided to do with the probe successful light of the information that of course, we have seen arsenic you pointed out multiple times now, various different mendacious slate of electors from 7 different states, successful what seems to beryllium a 
coordinated effort betwixt the Republican parties successful various different states.

We deliberation this is a substance that is best investigated and potentially prosecuted by the feds and as such conscionable contiguous we referred this matter to the Western District, the U.S. Attorney’s office, for them to measure it and we hope that main Justice — the Department of Justice volition become progressive and usage the information they already person to better recognize precisely what happened that time truthful that federal charges tin be evaluated. 

Nessel stated that the Republicans could look some authorities and section charges due to the fact that treble jeopardy would not apply. She hoped that the Department of Justice and Merrick Garland would analyse the afloat multi-state conspiracy that appears to person been directed to effort manus Trump the presidency.

The 14 Republicans successful Michigan who tried to walk themselves disconnected arsenic electors could look transgression charges.

The probe appears to beryllium taking truthful agelong due to the fact that the Trump coup progressive galore conspiracies to overturn the results of the 2020 election, but it looks similar 14 Republicans successful Michigan could look the consequences for their crimes.

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